NMBB Week 12 - Umbrella Training’s No More Banana Bread (12 weeks of content) ends with raising awareness on Wellbeing & Mental Health


Can you believe we have reach the end of 12 weeks of No More Banana Bread Content!

What an incredible journey it has been.

The themes behind NMBB have been phenomenal.

A huge thank you to Team Umbrella for leading the way with this initiative and helping our brilliant sector prepare to come back.

Our team at PPHE Hotel Group have attended some of the most informative bite sized sessions over the last 12 weeks and the fantastic Mr Motivator on a Monday morning was the way to wake us all up! My personal favourite was Fabulous and Famous Friday.

Looking forward to the next initiative by these brilliant people at Umbrella
— Paresh Vara - Talent Development & Learning Manager

A quick catch up of last week!


Mr Motivator kicked us off on Monday, helping us move our bodies, reframe and refresh our minds, ready for the week ahead.

Grab your workout gear (the brighter, the better) and catch up anytime on YouTube or IGTV.


Thursday was SUPER busy!

We had a fantastic LIVE session with Simon Maguire, Managing Director of Luxury Family Hotels about how: Energy breeds energy, advice for staying well mentally and physically.

We had a VLOG Takeover Thursday with Georgian House apprentice Eszter-Ivan, who shared what she does to keep mentally fit at home and work.

As part of Wellbeing & Mental Health week, we also asked Firmdale apprentice Selven Armoogum to share with us how he helped kept himself and his team mentally fit over the lockdown and in the preparation to return to work.

His blog full of inspiring tip and insights can be read here: Read more


Last but in no way least we had the amazing Sarah Thornton, Group Learning & Development Manager at Sarova Hotels and Kate Goodman, Managing Director at Kalida People join us LIVE and for an interactive talk on: Mental Health First Aid.

We discussed the practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues and how to build confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress.

Hosted by Umbrella Training this talk was LIVE on LinkedIn, but if you missed it, don’t worry! You can catch all our recordings on LinkedIn or Youtube.


12 weeks of content is still here for you

After months of battling lockdown blues and furlough fears, exhausting Zoom quizzes and baking countless loaves of banana bread, 12 weeks ago we launched our ‘No More Banana Bread’ campaign. 

The aim was to get both apprentices and employers within the hospitality industry energised and refreshed for life post-lockdown by focusing on rebuilding lost passions and making new connections through a series of carefully curated talks, workshops, and discussions.

Now that the campaign has come to an end, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has taken part. We were so lucky to have so many fantastic guests join us for various live talks and activities, including Mr Motivator, Dr. Hilary Cooke, Rachel Begbie, Lorraine Copes, Harry Murray, and Sally Beck.

Lockdown has had a huge impact on the physical and mental wellbeing of so many, and it’s been great to be able to give people a fun, interactive and insightful series of events and activities to look forward to.

The campaign has helped more people to feel prepared and ready to bounce back now that things have started to reopen, and we couldn’t be happier with how successful it has been.

It may have come to an end, but links to our blogs and live talks are still available on our website. We look forward to helping more people through future campaigns like this.

Lockdown has been so challenging for us all in so many ways both mentally and physically , when I heard about Umbrella trainings no more banana bread project, I thought this is going to be so good, the last 12 weeks I have loved being part of this great project to keep me and my team engaged with our wider industry.

Thanks so much to Adele Jo and the whole Umbrella team for doing what you do best and keeping us all engaged and motivated over the past 12 weeks! and of course am feeling much fitter thanks to Mr Motivator!
— Peter Avis FIH - General Manager - GALVIN AT WINDOWS Restaurant & 10 Degrees Bar, London Hilton on Park Lane

“Not even water!?” Ramadan blog by Tahmid Ahmed


Wellbeing & Mental Health with apprentice Darmalingum Armoogum