NMBB Week 7 - Image and Impact with Umbrella Training


This weeks theme was Image & Impact

We asked you celebrate your personal superpower this week as we explored how to showcase the best of you and make a lasting impression.

We are delighted to see the positive impact these activities are having on our apprentices and business partners.


A quick catch up of last week!


Mr Motivator kicked us off on Monday, helping us move our bodies, reframe and refresh our minds, ready for the week ahead.

Grab your workout gear (the brighter, the better) and catch up anytime on YouTube or IGTV.


We had two #WednesdayWisdoms this week.

We had the inspirational Kelly Burley from Kelly Burley Coaching who talked us through ‘Playing to your strengths and discover your unique superpowers!’

Read her blog post here

We then had a Vlog from Taylor Oxberry on ‘How to do make up for interviews and meetings on virtual platforms’

You can catch this vlog on our IGTV channel anytime.


Meet apprentice Chiara Sorentino, Deputy General Manager at the Fowey Hall, Cornwall. Chiara has been in the #hospitalityindustry for over 15 years in both Australia and the UK, and has a real passion for what she does.

Chiara created a Vlog to tell us about 'How her apprenticeship improved her image'

You can catch her vlog on our IGTV channel anytime.


We ended the week with amazing Jodi Goldman.

Jodi hosted a free masterclass on: How to improve your image and make a lasting impression?

Sadly, this was a one time only event, but if you missed this one, you can still book your free place for Jodi’s second Masterclass on the 1st April 2021 ‘How to confidently build relationships’.

Don’t miss your chance to book on this and next weeks event ‘ How to read P&L and influence business bottom line’ with Dan Power of ehap.


Upcoming Events! Book now for your free place.


What is coming next week?

The theme for next week is:


Have you ever wanted to get to grips with P&L’s? Would you like tips on how you can manage your outgoings on a reduced income?

If so this week is for you!

Follow the action!

Make sure you are following Umbrella Training via our social channels for notifications across the 12 weeks and to access all our videos, talks and tips to get you energised and prepared for life post lockdown.

Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube


#WednesdayWisdom - ‘How to plan for the staycation rush’ with Jane Pendlebury


#WednesdayWisdom - ‘Play to your strengths and discover your unique superpowers!’ with Kelly Burley