NMBB Week 11 - Learning Heroes with Umbrella Training


This week’s theme was Learning Heroes

We are constantly inspired by the both the learning heroes both in our own organisation and those residing at our partners firms.

We have design this weeks content around Learning Culture and High Performance Teams that are powered by learning and development and delivered by those driving change, motivation and engagement within the organisations.


A quick catch up of last week!


Mr Motivator kicked us off on Monday, helping us move our bodies, reframe and refresh our minds, ready for the week ahead.

Grab your workout gear (the brighter, the better) and catch up anytime on YouTube or IGTV.


This week’s #WednesdayWisdom came from Liam Hatcher, Head of Learning & Development at CH&CO. Liam walked us through what he believes the future of learning is, and his strategy for getting the most out of his teams.

Read more on strategy for high performing teams


We asked also asked Learning Hero Jenni Clarke MIH her strategy for high performing teams.

”Right now, as hospitality leaders, I see it as our job to make our people fall in love with hospitality again and any business that doesn’t recognise this learning culture change and adapt, will lose the vital motivation and engagement of its’ people.”

Read her blog here


We invited Liam Hatched from CH&CO back with us for a LIVE interactive talk on Learning Culture.

Linked In attendee, Dirce Lervolino commented ”Having had the chance to assist numerous training sessions, I can honestly state that Liam is effortlessly impeccable. Liam’s mission is to nurture and coach individuals; he takes pride in seeing them growing while remaining faithful to their true self.”

Hosted by Umbrella Training this talk was LIVE on LinkedIn, but if you missed it, don’t worry! You can watch a recording on our LinkedIn page or Youtube channel.


What is coming next week?

The theme for next week is:
Wellbeing & Mental Health


Can you believe it? It is the final week of NMBB.

How can you get mentally fit, and what do teams need to feel supported with wellbeing and mental health?

We explore Mental Health First Aid, how to implement it and its benefits.

Follow the action!

Make sure you are following Umbrella Training via our social channels for notifications across the 12 weeks and to access all our videos, talks and tips to get you energised and prepared for life post lockdown.

Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube


Wellbeing & Mental Health with apprentice Darmalingum Armoogum


#ThursdayThoughts - ‘Learning strategy for high performing teams’ with Jenni Clarke MIH