NMBB Week 9 - Great relationships with Umbrella Training


This weeks theme was Relationships

Let’s make friends and discover the importance of great relationships and how to build them.

We are delighted to see the positive impact these activities are having on our apprentices and business partners.


A quick catch up of last week!


Mr Motivator kicked us off on Monday, helping us move our bodies, reframe and refresh our minds, ready for the week ahead.

Grab your workout gear (the brighter, the better) and catch up anytime on YouTube or IGTV.


Our #WednesdayWisdoms was from Debbie Gardner MBE, who helps us towards Building lasting professional relationships

Read her blog post here


We had two events today!

First off we met apprentice Robyn Smith, who is currently undertaking a Operations Departmental Manager, Level 5 Apprenticeship, who spoke about how Apprenticeships build cross departmental relationships

Read her blog here

We ended this week with amazing Jodi Goldman who hosted a free masterclass on: How to build relationships

Sadly this was a one time only event, but we hope to have Jodi back with us again soon!


What is coming next week?

The theme for next week is:
Food and Drink 


The only week we will allow banana bread…

Distinction worthy dishes from our apprentices, the chemistry behind the bakes and mixology from the worlds best!

Cocktail shakers at the ready!

Follow the action!

Make sure you are following Umbrella Training via our social channels for notifications across the 12 weeks and to access all our videos, talks and tips to get you energised and prepared for life post lockdown.

Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube


#WednesdayWisdom - ‘Cocktails at the Connaught Bar’ with Agostino Perrone


How Apprenticeships build cross departmental relationships with apprentice Robyn Smith