“Not even water!?” Ramadan blog by Tahmid Ahmed


A question I get asked all too often when fasting! Ramadan is the special month in the Islamic Lunar Calendar wherein Muslims around the world abstain from food and drink from dawn till sunset.

We believe that it was in this month that the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, was revealed to Prophet Muahmmad by the Angel Gabriel, the Messenger Angel of Allah (God) as the final revelation.

Fasting helps Muslims better understand the needs of the poor and those without food. It creates humility and humbleness in a person and draws closeness to God through prayer, giving to charity and reading the Qur’an.

It is in this month that Muslims around the world pay their ‘Zakat’. Zakat is when the wealthy share 2.5% of their wealth to the poor and needy. 

Ramadan lasts between 29 to 30 days, a full lunar cycle, and finishes with a huge celebration called Eid Al-Fitr.

On this day, Muslims would attend the Eid prayers and have a feast with family & friends, gifts are given too!


What was it like the first time you fasted in the office?

I remember the first time I fasted whilst working at the office, I was 21 and it was my first ‘real job’. My colleagues were curios to know why I wasn’t eating or drinking and were interested to know about Ramadan. The first couple of days are generally a little difficult as your body isn’t used to going without food for prolonged hours but you do get used to it a few days in; my job role keeps me really occupied and that also helps distract me from thinking about food!

What advice would you give to someone fasting for the first time at work?
Stay occupied, it helps time pass till the Iftar (Meal eaten to break the fast). I would also suggest speaking with your line manager to see if there could be any work adjustments made during the month of Ramadan, like skipping lunch break to leave an hour early. Generally, managers can be very accommodating and caring of staff and do take steps to consider special request.


What are the benefits of fasting on your working day?

I have noticed that fasting helps with my productivity as I have higher energy levels throughout the day. It has also increased my ability to stay focused, this is especially important as my role relies heavily on my attention to detail since I work in audit. 

What has your workplace done to make things easier?
Umbrella have been super supportive of me during this month, always checking to see if there are work adjustments that are needed to better enable me to fast – I even get to leave work an hour early!

What things should your colleagues be aware of?

My colleagues are great at this, they are aware of my fasting and have taken caution to not eat around me. I think having understanding colleagues really does help.


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