NMBB Week 8 - Finance was not scary with Umbrella Training


This weeks theme was Finance

Have you ever wanted to get to grips with P&L’s?

Would you like tips on how you can manage your outgoings on a reduced income?

If so this week is for you!   

We are delighted to see the positive impact these activities are having on our apprentices and business partners.


A quick catch up of last week!


Mr Motivator kicked us off on Monday, helping us move our bodies, reframe and refresh our minds, ready for the week ahead.

Grab your workout gear (the brighter, the better) and catch up anytime on YouTube or IGTV.


Our #WednesdayWisdoms was from Jane Pendlebury CEO at HOSPA. An enthusiastic supporter of the hospitality industry and she has endeavoured to remain a positive voice throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Her blog talks us through ‘How to plan for the staycation rush’. A positive, proactive look at reopening after Lockdown, everyone should read!

Read more here


Meet apprentice Zakaria Bentaleb, who is currently undertaking a Level 5 Manager and Operations Apprenticeship, leading him to become a future director at Umbrella Training!

His blog walks as through why finance is not scary.


We ended the week with two amazing guests speak with us LIVE on LinkedIn, Debra Adams, the founder of the consultancy arena4finance and Jane Pendlebury, CEO of HOSPA the Hospitality Professionals Association.

With practical advice on how to plan for growth, profit and cash flow, this talk was a must for businesses reopening after Lockdown.

Did you miss it? Don’t worry, it is still available on our Youtube and LinkedIn pages for you to catch up on.


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What is coming next week?

The theme for next week is:


Let’s make friends and discover the importance of great relationships and how to build them.

Follow the action!

Make sure you are following Umbrella Training via our social channels for notifications across the 12 weeks and to access all our videos, talks and tips to get you energised and prepared for life post lockdown.

Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube


#WednesdayWisdom - Building lasting professional relationships with Debbie Gardiner MBE


Finance is not scary! with apprentice Zakaria Bentaleb