SME Survival Guide & £1 million plus available to invest 


Our new survival guide will allow SMEs and all size employers to have fully funded consultancy with Umbrella Training to explore new opportunities on how to build a people development strategy as a result of our consultancy and how to fully fund that strategy through levy transfers, grants and execute it through meaningful apprenticeship programmes.


We will be publishing an SME Survival Guide to support leaders in SME settings with how to reopen their premises safely, how to train and support their team members in these uncertain times and how to build those transferable skills needed now that budgets for job specialists have been cut. The SME Survival toolkit gives practical tips from successful leaders in the industry, a how to section and a list of helpful links.

We hope that our SME Survival Guide and our consultancy services will help the leaders and team members within a SME hospitality business feel confident and safe and that will take their business forward in these uncertain times.

If you are a London based business, we have teamed up with London Progression Collaboration (LPC) and will be supporting their campaign Reskilling the Recovery. LPC has over £1 million pledged by levy paying employers to utilise as levy transfers to SMEs and overspent levy pots for large employers in London.

If you are an SME, and do not have a levy pot, or are a large business and you have overspent on your levy, please contact us and we will discuss funding opportunities with you.

Jo Simovic

Jo Simovic is a seasoned learning and development professional with 20+ years of experience and is deeply committed to the continuous growth of both herself and the clients she serves. With a rich background spanning management development, customer service training, mentoring, coaching, and leadership, Jo brings a wealth of expertise to every engagement in the training industry.

Meet Dan Power, Head of Projects at Umbrella Training.


Chancellor’s Announcement