FREE accredited Clinical Cleanliness training for all redundant hospitality workers & housekeeping departments


Fully funded road to recovery and growth

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, UK Hospitality research predicted an expected growth of 3.9% year on year. We were problem-solving the shortage of new entrants to the market and worrying about the impact of Brexit. These challenges seem so far gone as our focus is on crisis management and the ability to forward plan is compromised.

HotStats forecast that the economic downturn in hospitality is estimated to be approximately £10Bn loses in revenue and £5Bn loses in profits. This, in their opinion, is a conservative estimate and it does not include the impact on the supplier chain for the sector across the whole of the UK.

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), suggests that unemployment could more than double by the end of this year to the highest levels since the 1980s.

Hospitality is among the hardest-hit sectors. 85% of hospitality workers have been on furlough and, with the coronavirus job retention scheme reduced from August and closing in October, we are already seeing that furloughed colleagues are becoming permanent redundancies.

UKH estimates 320,000 job losses, however, other research shows this may potentially reach up to 1.2m job losses overall. A far scarier number. As a sector, we must support those who are at risk of losing jobs as a result of the pandemic.

At Umbrella Training, we understand that businesses are making critical decisions to ensure they can survive. We also understand that the majority of businesses cannot focus on long term goals without more clarity on what the future will bring. We are here to support the path to recovery by offering free consultancy, training and toolkits to both the ‘survivors’ and to those who are made redundant with a view to welcoming them back as soon as the sector picks up.

Clinical Cleanliness including a COVID-19 Infection Control and Prevention award at Level 2


We are supporting all our colleagues in the hospitality sector by offering FREE, tutor-led online sessions in Clinical Cleanliness including a COVID-19 Infection Control and Prevention award at Level 2. This is available to all hospitality workers who have been made redundant and want to improve their employability chances.

 The modules are also available free of charge to all members of housekeeping teams in any hospitality business in the UK – we are hoping this will support the safe opening of the businesses and it will enable our guests to feel confident using the premises and enjoying their stay.

A series of eight modules over five weeks, all tutor-led by our brilliant team of experts, aims to improve participants’ knowledge on viral control and prevention and make them confident in discussing this with colleagues and guests.

At the end of the course, all participants who complete all eight modules will receive a Highfield certificate and a social media badge confirming they are COVID-19 TRAINED which can support with employment opportunities with new employers.

See events for more information and to book your place on each module

Transition Support Workshops

We are also running a number of workshops that support employability and development of transferable skills to support those workers in our sector who are looking for jobs.

These will include: 

·      How to write a show-stopping hospitality CV

·      Social media masterclass & personal PR

·      Winning cover letter writing

·      Preparing for interview

·      Transferable skills & how to showcase them

·      Career video

The workshops will be available from mid-September and will be tutor-led with individual support provided.

If you are a business needing support with a people development strategy, accessing government grants, needing support for your redundant workers, or development for your remaining workforce – we are here to help.


Contact us on to book free places on Clinical Cleanliness modules or to book free consultancy to support you with apprenticeships, traineeships, grants and all the other available avenues to support the recovery
of your hospitality business.

Jo Simovic

Jo Simovic is a seasoned learning and development professional with 20+ years of experience and is deeply committed to the continuous growth of both herself and the clients she serves. With a rich background spanning management development, customer service training, mentoring, coaching, and leadership, Jo brings a wealth of expertise to every engagement in the training industry.

Hospitality Superhero gives inspirational advice post Covid- 19


Meet Will Braggins, Learning & Development Manager at Umbrella Training