Michael Gray - “Don’t feel alone out there… you are NOT!”

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Everyone in hospitality is going through the most tremendous upheavals in their lives at the moment.

This is an industry that attracts people with a passion for hospitality. People who have an in-built understanding of the fundamental qualities needed to flourish in this sector – an understanding that those on the outside looking in don’t always get – and their passion, commitment and loyalty are certainly being tested right now.

But this year has seen hospitality positioned near the epicentre of our country’s crucial activities in the handling of situations created by the pandemic crisis.

Hospitality businesses have re-purposed themselves – almost overnight, without ever being asked – to feed and care for many vulnerable people throughout the UK.

We have all seen it, thanks in no small part to the power of social media. In the spirit of hospitality, there is so much that operators have done for those in need, be they older people who cannot get out and about or members of our NHS and front-line emergency services, to show them care support and appreciation.

These actions from those in hospitality were, on the whole, offered with no request for payment or compensation. And this is despite the businesses offering them going deeper and deeper into their own financial crises and risks every single day.

Then despite the most generous government support, which so many in our industry are now pleading to continue, the redundancies began.

While it is accepted that redundancies are inevitable and that sadly many are being “let go”, it is vital that maximum care, compassion and ongoing communication life lines, are extended from their employers. And not just for humanity’s sake, but to do all possible, to retain the interest and passion of those affected, in the hope that we may welcome them back in the future.

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This whole matter was so critically illustrated, in one of Umbrella Training’s “superhero” webinars. Discussions moved to the emotions being felt by both those losing their jobs as well as those colleagues still employed, who were suffering something termed as “survival guilt”.

Jane Sunley, of Purple Cubed, brilliantly captured this current vital issue for our industry, in her presentation entitled Compassionate Redundancy ­- a must read for all employers and those affected.

And what about those who are hopefully only temporarily away from our industry?

I have read a huge number of posts on social media and I have been so impressed by the positivity in their words.

Many thank their employers for the years spent with them, which speaks volumes about the humanity and compassion their former employers have shown them. Meanwhile, others show how some have embraced new, very different, temporary jobs, with the same passion, enthusiasm and commitment that they showed in our industry.

Huge respect is due to them and let the day come very soon when we can welcome them back…and it will come! 

- Michael J Gray

5th October 2020


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