Top 5 Ways to Look After Yourself at Work This Summer

  1. Hydration is key: In a hospitality environment, where you may be constantly on the move, it's crucial to prioritise hydration. Keep a water bottle with you at all times and take regular sips throughout your shift.

  2. Dress appropriately: If possible, choose lightweight clothing made of breathable fabrics, such as cotton or linen, to allow air circulation and aid in sweat evaporation.

  3. Take short breaks in cool areas: Find opportunities to take quick breaks in cooler areas, such as staff rooms or air-conditioned spaces, to give your body a chance to cool down. Even a few minutes in a cooler environment can provide relief and help prevent heat-related issues.

  4. Modify work practices: During hot periods, consider adjusting work practices to minimise exposure to extreme heat. For example, schedule tasks that require physical exertion or work in hot areas during cooler times of the day.

  5. Promote a supportive work environment: Foster a culture of looking out for one another's well-being. Encourage staff members to watch for signs of heat-related illnesses in themselves and their colleagues.

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones has years of leadership and teaching/mentoring experience in design, visual communication, education, and apprenticeships. Kaye has a strong belief in educational opportunities for everyone.


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