The Dish that got me a distinction with apprentice Annabella Sames


Annabella Sames

Name:      Bella Sames

Position:   Commis Chef

Location:   The Pig at Brockenhurst


Apprenticeship: Commis Chef Level 2


What level of knowledge did you have before you started?

My level of knowledge in the kitchen was very basic, nothing professional. I was able to make very simple dishes. 

Since then I have learnt about various subjects including culinary, food safety and business. 

My knife skills are a million times better. I have a good understanding of preparation and cooking methods for things like butchery, bakery & pastry. I also have an improved understanding of seasonality and sustainability, different diets and a much better understanding of industry trends. I learnt about how big veganism is becoming and how important it is to keep up to date. 

My knowledge of food safety was very basic before. I now know about HACCP, risk assessment and the correct temperature of foods and storage.

My business knowhow has advanced too. I learnt how to cost dishes for my end point assessment, what gross profit is, waste management procedures and the basics of the supply chain. 



What dishes got you a distinction?

Partridge, Truffled Mash, Garden Roasted Celeriac, Beetroot & Carrot & Red Wine Jus

Pumpkin Pie, Whiskey Caramel Sauce & Ginger Biscuit


What message do you want to send your future young colleagues that might be thinking about an apprenticeship?

Go for it! If you’re thinking about it, just do it. There’s lots of support that you receive and you aren’t alone at any point.

Annabella Sames - April 2021


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