Supporting Hospitality Staff at Christmas

The festive season has arrived!

This time of year can bring a lot of fun and excitement as well as the prospect of having this time off with family; but if you work in hospitality, you’ll know that isn’t always the case.

High customer expectations and busy kitchens can lead to intense working environments that put a lot of pressure on your staff. Often hospitality staff are young and may be facing their first Christmas away from family and with the added pressure of working when most people are off having fun, it can feel isolating and frustrating.

Therefore, it’s crucial for hospitality staff to look after themselves and each other at this busy time. To ensure a successful Christmas season, make sure to put your people first. A happy staff member will make for a happy customer!

Top 5 Ways for Hospitality Staff to Look After Themselves at Work at Christmas

Rest and sleep

Extended shifts and irregular working hours mixed with finding time for friends and family out of work, rest and sleep can easily become less of a priority. We strongly recommend that you get enough sleep for your body (recommended 8 hours) as it will make all the difference to your well-being and performance at work.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished:

Make sure you’re drinking and eating well at work especially when you’re busy and rushed off your feet. If you have your phone on you, we recommend setting reminders to drink if you’re likely to forget. Try not to eat to much sugar (hard at the holidays we know!)instead incorporate healthy fats and foods high in protein or fibre into your meals, as will also help you feel fuller for longer and keep cravings at bay. These could include lean meats, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts and seeds, avocado, yoghurt, baked beans, chickpeas, lentils, wholemeal bread, brown rice or pasta.

Take Short Breaks:

Even during the busiest periods, it's essential to take short breaks to recharge. Stepping away from the hustle and bustle for a few minutes can help reduce stress and improve focus - even if it’s just a bathroom break!

Implement Stress-Reduction Techniques:

Practise deep breathing or mindfulness sessions. We have a great blog here that can walk you through some exercises to reduce stress at work, or after.

Getting support

If you’re feeling overwhelmed during your shift, don’t hesitate to reach out to your team or manager who will be able to help you. If you do not receive the help asked for, or need help or advice you can call our safeguarding team. If you are in immediate danger or feeling unsafe, you can call the emergency services.

Top 5 Ways For Hospitality Managers To Look After Their Staff At Christmas

Encourage Communication:

Encourage open and honest communication. Make a point of letting your staff know face-to-face that they can express concerns and mental/physical health struggles over Christmas.

Lead by Example:

Managers should exemplify a positive and supportive attitude wherever they can. Lead by example in terms of work ethic, attitude, and commitment. Your demeanour sets the tone for the entire team, which can have a positive influence on your team.

Provide Resources for Stress Management:

Equip your staff with resources for stress management. There are lots of resources out there such as our blog here

Recognise and Reward Hard Work:

No one wants to be working while everyone is out having fun and celebrating the holiday. A great way to add some positivity is rewarding hard work, either by giving verbal recognition, providing sweet treats in the staff room, Christmas gifts or something unique to your business! Don’t forget the share those tips with all the staff, fairly.

Create a Festive Atmosphere:

Your hotel, restaurant etc may already be decorated to the max but are your staff rooms? Decorating or letting your staff decorate their space for the festive season is a great way to bring a little bit of Christmas, especially if they’re working Christmas day!

Keep yourself or your team happy and healthy this festive period and we’ll see you in the New Year!!

If you or you suspect someone else is being abused, or neglected at work you should tell someone you trust at Umbrella Training as soon as possible by getting in touch with our designated safeguarding officer (DSO). We can help you create a safe and protective environment for all even over Christmas.

DSO - Karen Palfreyman

Main Office: 0333 577 2557

Mobile: 07494 884298


Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones has years of leadership and teaching/mentoring experience in design, visual communication, education, and apprenticeships. Kaye has a strong belief in educational opportunities for everyone.


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